Month: February 2001

  • A few more notes on the ever-embattled Pacifica Network:

    A few more notes on the ever-embattled Pacifica Network: Current Magazine features an article on the so-called “Christmas Coup” at Pacifica’s NYC station WBAI. A choice quote from the article: [new station manager] “Leid has gone on WBAI’s air since her appointment, answering listeners’ questions about the situation, and has repeatedly blamed the three firings…

  • Pirate Radio and a little self promotion:

    Pirate Radio and a little self promotion: The Champaign-Urbana Octopus finally has the last issue on-line, so I can direct you to a two-article series they did on micropower and pirate radio. Writer M.S. Dodds does a nice job giving a brief but coherent history of the movement in Part 1 (which sadly is not…

  • More ‘zines!

    More ‘zines!Last night I attended an informal meeting-cum-caucus of independent publishers and other media-makers from the local Champaign-Urbana area. Organized by Micro-Film’s Jason Pankoke, the participants included A.J. Michel of the self-described “popular culture per-zine” Low Hug, Bryan and Dan Tincher of the art zine The Ides of March, Ted Young who publishes the literary…

  • The Springfield, IL Independent Media

    The Springfield, IL Independent Media Center is having an Introduction and Vision meeting on Feb. 12 at 6:30 pm at the Trout Lily Cafe, 218 S. 6th St. in Springfield. If you’re located in the general Springfield area this is a great opportunity to jump start independent media and meet like minded folks!

  • Project Censored is hosting a

    Project Censored is hosting a Press Freedom Conference and Alternative News Media Exposition, scheduled for April 27-29 @ San Francisco State University.