Former Pacifica Reporters Settle Strike

  • Former Pacifica Reporters Settle Strike
    The reporters who now produce the daily Free Speech Radio News have voted to approve the Pacifica Board’s resolution to end the strike the reporters have been holding against Pacifica since 2000. Free Speech Radio News will remain an independent program, but is carried by Pacifica’s satellite system for carriage by community stations and is aired on all its five stations, and Pacifica has agreed not to censor this program or any of the other programs on its satellite system.


  • Short news announcement on Pacifica Interim Board resolutions to settle strike and to move Pacifica back to Berkeley — on the Mar. 15 edition of the mediageek radio show (during first five minutes).
  • It’s Official: PNN Off the Air; What’s the Future for Community Radio Networks? 2/16/02
  • Pacifica Network News Cancelled(?) 2/15/02

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