FCC Finally Announces Location for Public Hearing on Media Ownership & Mad Scientists Plan To Present Their Evidence

For the record, in case you plan on being in the Richmond, VA area for the one and only FCC sponsored public hearing on media ownership, here’s the details:

“As announced on January 23, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will hold a one-day field hearing on Thursday, February 27, 2003, in Richmond, Virginia, to facilitate participation by the general public in its review of broadcast ownership regulation. The Commission is now announcing that the hearing will be held at the Greater Richmond Convention Center, 403 N. Third Street, Ballroom Building, Level 1, Meeting Room 15AB. The hearing will be from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. “

You can read the news release and the public notice in PDF format from the FCC website.

The Prometheus Radio Project is sponsoring a brigade of Mad Scientists

“donning Einstein wigs and labcoats will descend on the FCC Hearing to present evidence that the titrations of media concentration are bad for the nation. They will use their high -tech
laboratory grade “Mediational Suckolizer” and electrodes and graphs and
test tubes and flashing spark gaps to discover how much empirical
evidence there really is for allowing the corporations to grow their fiendish
media empires.”

Nothing like a little guerrilla theater to dramatize the absurdities of Mikey Powell’s words. I wonder if the Angels of the Public Interest will be in attendance too?






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