Month: March 2003

  • Covering the Media Covering the War

    By the way, a good place to get compiled stories on the media’s war coverage is Romensko’s Media Page at Poynter Online. This is not a strictly critical assemblage — Romensko’s pretty broad and open in what he compiles together, and I’d say that his approach is pretty balanced. He is as likely to link…

  • CNN Anchor/Cheerleader Admits News Media Were “A Little Late” To Cover the Anti-War Mov’t

    The Oregonian’s media columnist interviews CNN prime time anchor Aaron Brown, who apparently isn’t taking too well to the criticism leveled against him and his network, accusing them of being military cheerleaders. But he does admit that coverage of the anti-war movement was “late,” telling the Oregonian: “Yeah, I think we were a little late…

  • Protests for Peace and Against Media Propaganda in NYC

    People are protesting all over New York City today for peace, against war, and against corporate media propaganda. Keep upated at NYC Indymedia.

  • mediageek update, anti-war protest video & Alt. On-Line News Sources

    I’ve not been blogging the last few days because I’ve been saturated with other indie media work. I just finished a video document of the big (by Champaign-Urbana standards) anti-war protest that took place last Thursday and basically took over the streets of the University of Illinois campus, which is central to the twin city…

  • radioshow archives updated

    The mediageek radioshow archives are up to date with the March 7 and 14 shows now on-line. The March 7 show featured a sampling from the diverse public comments made to the FCC on the issue of media ownership at the public forum held in Seattle. Joshua Breitbart of Rooftoop Films and Clamor Magazine was…

  • Overlooked and Underground Films at Urbana IMC in April

    I’m excited for April this year, because the Urbana-Champaign IMC has a load of truly indy film and video events going on. The U-C IMC’s Video group has been the most fun I’ve had at IMC in some time, and we decided to throw a mini film-festival in April, that just coincidentally happens at the…

  • Fear, Loathing and Media Bias

    The NY Press’ Michelangelo Signorile gives a fine explanation of how fear of flak — the fear of not pissing off powerful or useful people — is the source of bias and a lack of critique in the mainstream media. His big example is Washington Post media columnist Howard Kurtz who gets a pass from…

  • The Digital War Will Happen By Satellite

    The Poynter Institute’s Mike Wendland pens this gushing article about the transition of TV news from Electronic News Gathering (ENG)–the traditional videotape and studio model–to Satellite News Gathering (SNG)–marked by the use of miniDV cams and laptops to produce video news beamed back to the studio on ultra-portable satellite rigs. Of course, this new technology…

  • A Public Bombarded with War

    Normon Solomon has a spot-on analysis of the mainstream media’s role in shaping–or destroying–public opinion about a possible war on Iraq: “Daily media speculation about the starting date for all-out war on Iraq has contributed to widespread passivity – a kind of spectator relationship to military actions being implemented in our names.” This is what…

  • What Makes Amy Tick?

    Last Monday the Washington Post ran a sympathetic and fair profile on Amy Goodman, the tireless host of Pacifica Radio’s daily news program Democracy Now. Then she appeared on PBS’s Charlie Rose program on Wednesday, but I missed it due to be pre-empted locally. The transcript is available on the Democracy Now website, where you…