mediageek update, anti-war protest video & Alt. On-Line News Sources

I’ve not been blogging the last few days because I’ve been saturated with other indie media work. I just finished a video document of the big (by Champaign-Urbana standards) anti-war protest that took place last Thursday and basically took over the streets of the University of Illinois campus, which is central to the twin city area. Just for my pals, like you, I made available a RealVideo version of the video, which is playing locally on public access TV. Click here to watch the video, but note that because it’s a quicky encode and not well optimized for slow connections, it’s best watched on a broadband connection.

Over at the Urbana-Champaign IMC the website users have been compiling a nice list of alternative news sources on the web that’s pretty useful and comprehensive. That’s the power of cooperation.

Finally, there was no mediageek radio show posted this weekend because there was no show this Friday. I agreed to be pre-empted so that WEFT, my host station, could bring an extended version of Pacifica war coverage. The show will be back this week and my guest will be Clint Popetz, who is the U-C IMC’s radio news coordinator. We’ll talk about the IMC’s unique approach to radio news and how Indymedia can respond to war.






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