Klose Encounter of the Madison Kind

My pal John Anderson at DIYMedia.net got his own opportunity to press NPR president Kevin Klose on the topic of NPR’s efforts to quash low-power FM back in 2000. John was especially interested in hearing what Klose had to say about NPR claims that LPFM would cause heinous interference to their station, in light of the recent Congressionally-mandated Mitre report that concludes that LPFM poses no interference threat to any radio stations.

It all went down at a public entitled “Accuracy, Fairness, and Balance,” sponsored by the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Journalism and Mass Communication. John took his first shot during the audience question period, and he characterizes Klose’s response as an “artful dodge.” Read John’s full account for yourself.

It’s nice that John got a chance to follow up with Klose, since I had my opportrunity to question him on the topic on LPFM back in 2001, just months after Congress gutted LPFM, buying the NAB’s interference claims, hook, line and sinker. Klose played the interference card then, too. And while I knew that was a smokescreen, we didn’t yet have the Mitre report to show it so clearly.

You can read my account of that memorable exchange. However, unfotunately the audio link for the radio program where I actually questioned him is not working right now, so you’ll just have to trust me.

(One last thing — ain’t it convenient that Kevin has such an easy name to pun with?)






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