Mediageek Zine Review in Zine World

I’ve been advised that there’s a review of the mediageek ‘zine in the new issue of Zine World (#20), A Reader’s Guide to the Underground Press. (Which I haven’t yet seen).

Even when there’s not a mediageek zine review, Zine World is probably the best overall reference guide to zines. The hundreds of reviews are critical but constructive, and the articles are also typically well chosen and a cut above.

My favorite part of Zine World is the news section, which maintains a sharp eye on our nation’s war on dissent and free speech. Editor Jerianne takes particular notice of how kids’ expression is constantly being suppressed in schools, and brings those stories to light. Truly, the suppression of speech and expression in schools is one of the great uncovered issues of our time.

Right after you send off for your copy of Zine World, you can listen to an interview with Jerianne from the June 20, 2003 edition of the mediageek radioshow.



