Don’t Let That $3 Burn a Hole in your Pocket — Low Hug #10 is out

Aj Michel, appearing many times on the mediageek radioshow as the resident ‘zine queen, has finished issue #10 of her pop-culture perzine, Low Hug. It’s the Technology issue, and it looks like it’s all killer, no filler:

“Human Factors : The Technological is Personal – contributions from Davida Gypsy Breier (Xerography Debt), Delaine Derry Green (My Small Diary), Russ Forster (8-Track Mind), L. Rob Hubbard (Mimezine), Eric Lyden (Fish with Legs), Sean and Malinda (Thoughtworm), Vincent Romano (Off-Line), Jack Persico, Dan Taylor (Hungover Gourmet) and Jeffrey Yamaguchi (Working for the Man) discussing their personal memories of computers, cable television, CB radio and more! …”

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed every issue of Low Hug, and I will let you know that I read my first issue (the radio issue) before I really even knew Aj at all. Each issue gets sharper, and the theme for #10 is dear to my geekly little heart, so I’m very much looking forward to reading it.

Spend yer $3 on something that came from a human editor and contributors, not a focus grouped marketing plan.



