Alleged Translator Traffickers Volley

Yesterday the Edgewater Broadcasting / Radio Assist Ministry / World Radio Link triumverate filed a motion (download pdf) to dismiss the Prometheus et al petition to freeze the ongoing issuing of new translator radio station licenses by the FCC.

Edgewater et al are three companies owned by the same three individuals. Edgewater and Radio Assist Ministries have applied for thousands of low-power translator station licenses, which are now being sold off by World Radio Link before any actual stations have even been built.

Prometheus et al believe the scheme amounts to trafficking in translator construction permits for stations that aren’t even on the air yet, against FCC policy and federal law.

Edgewater et al don’t mince words in their response to the FCC. Attorney Dawn M. Sciarrino writes:

The Petition fails to make a prima facie case that the grant of any or all of the pending FM Translator applications is inconsistent with Section 309(a) of the Act, 47 D.S.C. § 309(a), nor does it raise a
substantial and material question of fact regarding the qualifications or actions of the Ministries. … Petitioners’ hyperbole, conjecture, and histrionics do not amount to a scintilla of evidence of wrongdoing.

In a footnote, Sciarrino targets Gloria Tristani, Managing Director of the Office of Communications of the United Church of Christ and a former FCC Commissioner, claiming that she improperly contacted other FCC Commissioners regarding the Prometheus petition.

It certainly looks like the gloves are off. There is too much money on the table for Edgewater et al to ignore.

This afternoon I spoke to Howard Feld, the Prometheus et al attorney with the Media Access Project, for an interview that will air on this Friday’s radioshow. He tipped me off to the Edgewater et al motion, and said they plan to reply to the motion very soon.



