Month: May 2005

  • Zapatista’s Radio Insurgente on radioActive San Diego

    Although my Spanish is pretty rusty I’ll be very interested to listen to the Zapatista’s Radio Insurgente on radioActive San Diego. I hope they can archive the program for those who miss it live, or might want to air it on other stations. Update: lotu5 from radioActive informs me that the program is already archived…

  • News Headlines from 5-27-05 mediageek radio show

    These are the news headlines as read on the 5-27-05 edition of the radioshow: DTV Deadline to Fund Deficit; DO IT Act to Fund Education and Public TV; Clear Channel Co-Opts Pirate Rhetoric

  • BBS Documentary Now Shipping

    I know I’m a few days late on this, but I want to send congratulations to guy Jason Scott because his enormous BBS Documentary DVD project has just started shipping. I haven’t yet seen it (guess I’d better get my order in), but I can only guess that this is an important historical documentation…

  • Welcome New Radioshow Affiliate: Flirt FM, Galway, Ireland

    I’m glad to announce that the mediageek radioshow has now gone global, with Flirt FM 105.6 in Galway, Ireland picking up the show to air during its Kaleidoscope slot on Wednesdays from 12:30 – 13:00. My friend and fellow ICR student Andrew O’Baoill is a founder and alumnus of the station, and it appears that…

  • Last Friday’s Radioshow Live from NCMR in St. Louis

    As you may know, this past weekend I was in St. Louis at the 2nd National Conference on Media Reform. I’ve got a lot of audio and thoughts, and will post much of it here in the coming days (and at the BeTheMediaBlog, which has lots of other people’s thoughts, too). Drew and I called…

  • Court Chief Controversy for Profit – Saga Casts Its Lot With Racism

    We’ve got a “new” radio station in Champaign-Urbana. New, in that the old Oldies 92 has flipped format to be called “The Chief.” The change mostly means the addition of the 80s to the oldies line up. Oh, and the firing of all airstaff and more automation. I really haven’t listened much, and have only…

  • First Half Day of the Media Reform Conference

    The Conference starts officially today, but last night there was check-in and the Academic Brain Trust. Unfortunately, we got stuck in traffic in Metro East and then my car died right when we got to the hotel — which is the best place for it to die. It’s just a battery problem, so we’re not…

  • Opening Night: Hersh, Klein, Goodman and Sanders

    Tonight was the opening night for the short Media Consolidation conference here at the U of I, with Seymour Hersh giving the keynote. Drew wrote a nice, concise summary of Hersh’s talk at BeTheMediaBlog, and Andrew has already posted the audio. Rep. Bernie sanders gave a rousing speech, unafraid to utter words like “working class”…

  • Creating Alternative Media: Examples from Urbana-Champaign

    I’ll be participating in a little session during the lunch break at the Wednesday Media Consolidation conference along with some of my comrades in independent media from the ‘hood. It happens at 12:30 PM in the Krannert Center Lobby, between the session featuring Phil Donahue, John Nichols and Naomi Klein and the one featuring Len…

  • Be The Media Blog Revving Up

    With just a few days to go before the big Media Reform conference the Be the Media Blog is starting to see some action. This blog is a continuation of a project begun at the first Media Reform conference back in 2003. It’s a venue for grassroots and independent media makers to comment, report and…