Free Radio San Diego Raided by FCC

And so another high-profile pirate meets the FCC, along with federal marshals. According to Free Radio San Diego’s website and a post to SD-IMC, the station was raided this morning. Details are few at the moment, but nobody was at the station at the time, and apparently the feds “broke the locks on their doors, entered by force” and then seized all the broadcast equipment, leaving behind a warrant.

Main pirate Bob Ugly writes that “we have absolutely no plans to pack up and go home,” and promises to have an update on future plans posted by 9 PM PDT tomorrow, after a station staff meeting.

This is the second high-profile bust in the last two months — the first being radio free brattleboro in June.

When John at gets back online I hope he’ll be able to bring some perspective to the case and the apparent pirate crackdown.



