See Indie Bike Videos from Portland Tuesday at noon, Boardman’s Art Theater in Champaign

My pal Shawn Granton will be in town this coming week, and he’s bringing some great videos documenting Portland, Oregon’s thriving bicycle scene. Microcosm publishing describes them thusly:

“If you’ve been hearing a lot about all of the crazy bicycle stuff in Portland but didn’t really know what was going on, this is a good introduction to it. Many of the facets of the Portland alternative bike community are represented here including ZooBomb, Bike Polo, Chunk 666, bike hauling and transportation, and some more creative
artistic things (like the bicycle audio project). The collection leaves you with a feeling that you could not only go out and ride a bike but also make a short film about it!”

Shawn will be a guest on Friday’s radioshow, where he’ll talk more about the videos and Portland’s thriving DIY scene.

It all goes down at a special lunchtime showing, noon at Boardman’s Art Theater in downtown Champaign (IL). The showing is free (with a suggested donation), and the Theater has yummy eats available for lunch.



