On Today’s Radioshow: Iowans Challenging Sinclair

In a few minutes I’ll be interviewing Charlie Miller and Eileen Finnegan from Iowans for Better Local TV, in Iowa City. Their group is challenging the license of the Sinclair-owned station in their city, due to its centralizing of news content, and a very locally relevant incident:

The tipping point occurred when SBG conducted on on-air attack of an Iowa Citian because it opposed his views. The fact that KGAN transmitted SBG’s smear without contacting him or offering equal time was the troubling wake-up call for us that our local television was in trouble. It no longer served the community, but a narrow agenda of a distant corporation.

Also joining me in the studio will be Andrew Kennis and Brian Dolber, who will be contributing regularly to the program. Andrew and Brian both went to the Anti-War march in Washington DC this past weekend, and will report back on their experiences and their take on mainstream media’s coverage of the march.

Today’s show will also be the first mediageek of the WEFT Fall Pledge Drive. If you’re a local WEFT listener or you listen on-line, please give a call in during the show and make a pledge to keep indepenent community radio alive and strong in East-Central Illinois.

If you listen on one of our community radio affiliate stations, then please be sure to support your local station however you can.

The show airs live on community radio WEFT 90.1 FM in Champaign, IL at 5:30 PM CDT. It will be posted for on-line listening, download and podcasting by midnight Sunday night.



