Come All Ye Independent Media Makers – AMC 2006 Is Set for June 23-25

I haven’t yet set my plans for June, though I haven’t missed an Allied Media Conference since I started attending some four years ago. As I’ve said before, this is one of the most useful media conferences I’ve been to, and it always has a very cool, friendly and enthusiastic vibe.

This year’s theme is “FROM TRUTH TO POWER; because being right is not enough,” and it sounds like quite the necessary challenge:

How can alternative media go beyond merely “speaking truth” and actually change the material conditions of our world?

That is the big question for anyone doing independent media, and I think it’s worth posing that as the conference’s central theme.

I don’t have any brilliant answers. But perhaps one approach is to try and motivate folks to go and do one thing that helps or changes things. To give people that little bit of inspiration and instruction that helps someone move from point A to point B.

I’m a fan of the idea of revolution in everyday life, even if it’s massive challenge. Maybe that’s where we little media makers can toss little pebbles in the pile hoping they add up to a mountain.

Back in the realm of the concrete — last year I facilitated a session on blogging that I enjoyed and think went well. This year I think I’ll propose a similar session, but with an emphasis on aggregating more wisdom from bloggers about how to make this medium worth the time and effort. I’d also like to add podcasting to the mix.

I’m still mulling the possibilities–I’ve got until March 15 to decide. Your feedback is welcome.






One response to “Come All Ye Independent Media Makers – AMC 2006 Is Set for June 23-25”

  1. […] Just checked the mediageek blog and learned that this year’s Allied Media Conference website is up and registration is open. I wish I had gone to last year’s conference, but instead ended up missing my college graduation to go to the Free Press conference. Here’s the blurb from the AMC site: […]

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