Month: February 2006

  • Network Newspeak

    As I predicted yesterday, the telecomm industry showed up at today’s Senate Commerce Committee meeting and found a way to advocate for THEIR version of network neutrality–the one that lets them filter what customers get over the internet-which isn’t really all that neutral. Say hello to network diversity, and what Congresscritter wants to be accused…

  • Trouble Downloading Radioshow?

    It’s a little after midnight and the radioshow site isn’t responding. I’ve got a support request in, but it’s late. So if you need to download the radioshow (like, if you’re one of the show’s affiliates), the show itself isn’t off-line, here’s a link: mediageek 2-3-06 broadcast quality mp3 With luck, things will be cleared…

  • What Congresscritter Can Say ‘No’ to Network Neutrality?

    Tuesday morning the Senate Commerce Committee takes up the issue of net neutrality, which I believe is the most important issue on the nation’s telecomm agenda this year. As Ben Scott, Policy Director for Free Press, pointed out on this week’s radioshow, Congresscritters aren’t weighing in definitively yet on the issue, and the devil will…