Pushing Net Neutrality: Coalition to Save the Internet

If one thing has become clear with this year’s session in Congress, it’s that some serious organizing has to happen if our congresscritters are going to be pressured into keeping the internet free of speedbumps and corporate-imposed taxes. Legislators might get the issues, but they need to be convinced that their constituents care about them.

Monday will be the official debut of SaveTheInternet.com, but the site is already alive and kicking. The site represents a coalition of groups and people who are pushing to keep an open internet.

One of the most valuable parts of the site is the map showing how different congresscritters are voting on network neutrality legislation. For instance, I already knew that Chicago Dem. Rep. Bobby Rush had already sold out on net neutrality, but I didn’t know that Springfield. Rep. Bobby Shimkus had, too — though Shimkus is a more predictable sell-out than Rush.

Of course, they’ve also got a blog. There’s been some interesting discussion about libertarian takes on network neutrality, sparked by a short video explaining the topic at Public Knowledge.

Yet, while SaveTheInternet has a nice ring to it, I think the organizers should give some consideration to Josh Breitbart’s thoughts on framing the issue I blogged about earlier.


One response to “Pushing Net Neutrality: Coalition to Save the Internet”

  1. […] Important information here on a new initiative to push for network neutrality legislation.  Check it out, and do the right thing. […]

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