I’m sitting in a session on the FCC featuring current Democratic commissioners Jonathan Adelstein and Michael Copps, with former commissioner Gloria Tristani as moderator. I’m very impressed with the degree of candor that Commissioners Copps and Adelstein have expressed at this conference in mulitple sessions, on topics ranging from payola to the BellSouth/AT&T merger.
These two commissioners are probably the two most public interest oriented commissioners the FCC has seen in its seventy year history. For many reasons the FCC is a problematic agency, and I appreciate how Copps and Adelstein have been willing to frankly discuss some of the problems.
For instance, at a payola session yesterday Adelstein talked about how disappointed he was that the Commission hadn’t done its own investigation on the practice and had to rely on the research done by former NY Attorney General Elliott Spitzer. It seems like he knows he works in the sausage factory, and he’s willing to show us some of the gristle and bone.
And right now Tristani is talking about the pressure that media industry puts on the commissioners themselves. During the low-power FM proceeding she was told, in front of her staff, by the New Mexico broadcast lobby that if she voted for LPFM and ever wanted to run for office she could expect every broadcast station in the state to oppose her campaign.
I have to reflect that the temptation to sell out as a FCC commissioner must be strong. Former chair Michael Powell had a soft landing with a lucrative and cushy position with a private equity fund specializing in media properties after he left the FCC in 2005. Sucking up to the desires of the industries you regulate certainly has its privileges.
Now, I don’t mean to turn this into an FCC love-fest. I have significant issues with much of what the FCC does and how it regulates the airwaves. I do believe that the FCC exists primarily to support and benefit the industries it regulates, despite whatever the broadcast lobby likes to claim. At the FCC public interest has always been more of a cover than a true goal.
And with respect to the two Democratic commissioners, I am very opposed to Michael Copps’ zealousness for indecency enforcement, especially when the Commission dedicates more resources to that than to enforcing payola or other more harmful practices.
Nevertheless, without Copps’ and Adelstein’s dogged opposition to the Republican give-away campaign at the Commission we’d all be much worse off. Most tangibly, without them the AT&T-BellSouth merger would have been rubber-stamped without a single condition in support of the public interest, let alone network neutrality.
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