Month: August 2011

  • Behind Network Awesome – An interview with Jason Forrest

    As I mentioned the other day, Network Awesome creator Jason Forrest dropped me a nice “thank you” email after I wrote about finding and enjoying his video curation site and channel. I asked him for an interview to learn more about NA, and much to my luck, he agreed. So here is our email exchange…

  • Admiring Sony’s new NEX-7 but easily resisting the urge

    Sony announced a pile of new digital cameras yesterday. I was quite pleased to hear about them, despite the fact that I have no immediate plans to buy one. As I’ve shared here, I’m very happy with my Sony NEX-5 compact interchangeable lens camera. I like having a cam that’s the size of an advanced…

  • Blogs still rule

    After publishing my post on Network Awesome I received a nice “thank you” email from the site’s founder, Jason Forrest. Jason is an electronic musician who has also worked under the name “Donna Summer” and has held down an on-air shift at the legendary freeform station WFMU. He agreed to do an email interview with…

  • Network Awesome – Curating YouTube for the video geek

    Man, I could lose days browsing this site, Network Awesome. The site editors pour through YouTube finding the best retro videos that bring me back to my prime video viewing years as a teenager and young adult in the 1980s and early 90s. Home video and cable television were just becoming mainstream in those days.…

  • Video and the power of connection

    This is my latest column for Streaming Media Magazine: These days we all do it. We meet someone new in person or online and then we do a search of his or her name on Google, Facebook, or LinkedIn. Perhaps we want to stay in touch, or maybe we’re interested in learning more about what…

  • Surprised to enjoy my Panasonic ZS6 travel-zoom camera

    Most serious photographers like having a pocket point-and-shoot camera to throw in their bag or keep in a pocket, so that they’re rarely without a camera. It’s the idea behind the adage, the best camera is the one you have with you. However, if you are serious about photography you tend to like to have…

  • Benign neglect and recoverIng that feeling

    Hello, blog. It’s been a while. It’s a periodic thing where I neglect you for a while. We’ve been together for a decade, and had our ups and downs. I don’t mean to leave you all by your lonesome… But then… Excuses, excuses…. I do. I do most of my writing these days over at…