Prometheus to Celebrate 5th Anniversary of LPFM at the FCC

From a Prometheus e-mail:

On the morning of Tuesday, February 8th, 2005, the Federal
Communications Commission is inviting Low Power FM radio broadcasters
and their allies to attend an important meeting in Washington, DC. We
worked hard to establish the service in 2000, and five years later, the
FCC wants to see how well these important news stations have survived
and thrived. How can they make the service better? How can they help
your stations work better for you and your community?

Leading Low Power FM radio stations from across the country will testify
before Chairman Michael Powell, and other Commissioners and staff.
… To help make your trip to DC even more worthwhile, Prometheus will
organize a full day of workshops, trainings, and information sessions
for Monday, February 7th.

Even though Congress greatly beat back its potential, the anniversary of LPFM is something worth celebrating. LPFM has resulted in many new noncommercial radio stations hitting the air that otherwise never would have, either due to the unavailability of a license, or the increasing cost and engineering difficulty of obtaining a new full-power license.



