Low-Power Radio in New England and Mexico

The Boston Phoenix features a an overview of some low-power stations, licensed and unlicensed, that have operated in New England over the last ten years or so, including Radio Free Brattleboro and the recently departed Allston-Brighton Free Radio.

Volunteers from RFB were on the radioshow back in Oct. 2003 and Jan. 2004 when they started building strong community support and facing heat from the FCC.

The Phoenix article even includes links to the ‘geek, DIYmedia and the site for Michael Lahey’s documentary Making Waves (an interview with Michael can be heard on the Nov. 12, 2004 radioshow).

Moving our focus to Mexico, Jacobito posts about his visit to unlicensed Radio Zapote in Mexico City:

Radio Zapote is a pirate radio station broadcasting out of ENAH, the School of Anthropology and History. This station started when the Zapatista Caravan came into Mexico City to confront Presidente Fox and the Mexican civil society about the situation in Chiapas. Well, where did the thousands of Zapatistas and companeros stay when they got to Mexico City? At ENAH! So students and community members started Radio Zapote in solidarity with them. After the caravan left, they thought to themselves, “Hey, let’s keep this station going!” And so, they’ve been broadcasting for over 3 years now inside the school, on 94.1fm and the internet.

Unfortunately the station is facing eviction from the university administration.



