Why Cable TV Franchises Are Important

The main component of the telecomm legislations bouncing around Congress right now is the creation of a national franchise for new entrants in the cable TV market, aimed at smoothing the onramp for the big telcos like AT&T and Verizon to begin offering TV services over their broadband lines. One of the big problems with a national franchise is that it will deprive local municipalities the opportunity to negotiate for better terms and funding for things like public access TV.

Greg Boozell of Chicago Access Network TV sent me a link to a half-hour program he produced on this issue. It features a panel that includes the panel includes Anthony Riddle, Executive Director of the Alliance for Community Media, Joseph Bast, President of the Heartland Institute and Ben Scott, Policy Director of Free Press (who was on the radioshow earlier this year).

For those who live in mediageek’s home base of Champaign-Urbana, IL, you can watch this program on Urbana Public Television, Insight Cable Channel 6, Wednesday April 26 at 7:00 PM .

CAN TV also has a page of information and links on the issue.



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