Call Congress To Roll Back FCC’s June 2 Changes

Robert McChesney is sending around this message asking people to call their Congressional representatives to support legislation aimed at rolling back the FCC’s loosening of media ownership regulations. His new organization, Free Press, provides an easy way to get phone numbers and contact info, as well as providing sample scripts.

A message from Robert McChesney and John Nichols:

Big media is getting bigger and our democracy is at stake.

As you know, a month ago the FCC dramatically relaxed media ownership
regulations, suffocating the cornerstone of American democracy: a free,
fair, and open public debate.

Because one million Americans raised their voices against the FCC decision,
the Senate Commerce Committee recently sent a bill to the Senate floor for
a vote that would roll back many of the rules. Today the challenge is to
get that bill to the floor of the Senate and House for a vote.

Take 3 Minutes to Stop Media Monopoly: Phone It In.

Call your Congressional representatives and demand that they support the
rollback. One phone call from a constituent is more effective than scores
of email petitions.

Go to and follow the easy steps or read on
for more information.

(Don’t worry, you don’t need to know your Senators’ or Representative’s
names, only your zipcode.)

“Roll Back the FCC” legislation now has 38 supporters in the Senate (out of
100). We need 51 for passage.

The House bills have the overlapping support of 65 cosponsors on HR 2462 and
146 on HR 2052. We need 216 for passage.

The website will tell you if your members of
Congress are currently supporting rolling back the FCC. If they are
supportive co-sponsors, then thank them for their support and ask that they
keep the bill alive. If they not a co-sponsor, ask them to become one.
(suggested script provided online)

Want to learn more about this issue and media reform? Go to our new
organization called Free Press at

Join Free Press. Call Congress. For our media, for our Democracy.

Robert McChesney & John Nichols

Free Press







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