Author: Paul

  • Where Ya Been?

    This little ol’ blog celebrates its eighth birthday this month, which is pretty damn old for a blog, you must admit. But I sit here feeling blog-daddy guilt at how neglected it’s become, yet again. Posting is sporadic, and I’ve let the design go to hell (due to some weird WordPress bug that got fixed,…

  • The Radio Kitchen

    Thanks to Weatherall at the Cobalt Pet I just learned that WFMU DJ, The Professor, has his own blog now. The Radio Kitchen is where he shares the AM and shortwave radio bandscans of the sort he used to post to FMU’s Beware of the Blog. His richly annotated bandscans–recordings of late nights spent listening…

  • FCC Investigating Comcast’s P2P Interference

    This week it is now confirmed that the FCC is actually investigating Comcast’s practice of interfering with BitTorrent peer-to-peer traffic, and possibly other P2P internet traffic. From has been found so far, Comcast isn’t merely blocking this traffic, but actually posing as its customers’ computers to fool other BitTorrent peers into thinking their customers’ computers…

  • An Appeal from Kenya

    The situation in Kenya is truly heartbreaking, especially since that nation has shown so much progress in moving past ethnic tensions and divisions. This message from an Indymedia journalist in has been circulating through Indymedia networks and deserves wider dissemination: Dear Indymedia Colleagues, Five days ago, on the 27th of December, I stood in a…

  • yes! Magazine and the SF Chronicle on Micropower Radio

    Why is it all of a sudden micropower radio articles are cropping up in both the mainstream and alternative press? Is it just a slow news time at the end of the year outside of the assassination of Benazir Bhutto and the Iowa Caucuses? At least the last two I’ve seen have been far more…

  • free103point9 Says There’s No News in the Times about Brooklyn Microradio

    Just noticed free103point9’s Tom Roe’s comments about the Times Brooklyn pirate radio article I blogged about yesterday. He calls it “under-reported,” by which I think he means “not sufficiently reported” by the freelancer who wrote the piece, not “under-reported” to mean “a story which deserves more coverage like this.” Roe goes on to comment that…

  • Radioshow 2007 Highlights

    There were actually more than two highlights from the radioshow in 2007, but for this last show in 2007 I wanted to focus on just two interviews to that if you missed them the first time around you’d still get some good info and context. I think both of these interviews will have continuing relevancy.…

  • Unforuntate Problem with NYC Pirates

    On the second year-end wrap-up radioshow, John Anderson mentioned a steep rise in the number of FCC enforcement actions in the New York City metro area, especially against unlicensed stations serving ethnic minorities who have little or no representation on licensed stations. Last week the NY Times ran a short story about college and public…

  • Year-End Review Pt. 2

    The 2nd part of my year-end review radioshow with John Anderson from is online now. We cover the FCC’s all-but-elimination of the cross-ownership ban, and John catches us up with the year in FCC enforcement action against unlicensed stations. You can download the show at the radioshow page, or just listen here: [mp3][/mp3]

  • Matthew Lasar Says the FCC wasn’t just Naughty

    Matthew Lasar argues that the FCC did a few nice things this year making it deserving of something other than coal in the stocking. Included in that list are asking Congress to restore LPFM, putting a cap on cable companies limiting them to serving no more than 30% of the nation’s subscribers, and the localism…