Author: Paul

  • Mysteries


    I have been a flickr user for going on a decade. Early in my photography career participating in the site gave me both inspiration and community, alongside a place to share my photos. These day, it’s a little less of that, in part because the internet is bigger place now, in part because flickr–under Yahoo’s…

  • Step back

    Step back

    One of the most useful habits I’ve developed in executing almost any project is taking a step back. Now, since most of my work is as a writer and digital media maker, that step is metaphorical. The intended meaning is that you stop working on it for a while, get some distance (that can be…

  • I Bought a Camera

    I Bought a Camera

    It is not at all surprising that I bought a camera. It’s something I do every so often. Reading gadget and technology sites, photography blogs and the like makes me feel like I don’t buy a lot of tech toys or upgrade my tech all that often. Then I compare myself to friends and other…

  • A New Chapter

    A New Chapter

    This past Friday I accepted a full-time position with Midroll Media, which is the new parent company of the Earwolf podcast network and The Mid Roll podcast advertising company. I am taking on the role of podcast evangelist and content marketer. This happened rather quickly; I didn’t expect to have a full-time job this soon…

  • Tackling the Queue

    Tackling the Queue

    Yesterday I finally posted a piece about Part 15 unlicensed ultra-low-power radio at Radio Survivor. It’s a topic dear to my heart, and one that I covered quite a bit here back in the day. I’ve wanted to tackle it for Radio Survivor for months. I finally got kicked into writing because the New York…

  • Hello again.

    Hello again.

    Hi there, internet! It’s me, Paul. Once again life and other pursuits got the better of me, so this poor site lain dormant for the previous 28 months. Anyone who has tried to blog for more than a few years is probably familiar with the routine. You quit posting for a month, which turns into…

  • The mediageek’s World Toy Camera Day adventure

    Today was the 2011 edition of World Toy Camera Day, an annual celebration of plastic cameras that were never intended for serious use. But in this era of powerful digital cameras and endless Photoshopping, many people, like myself, have embraced the imperfection and random chance introduced by toy cameras that refuse to let you control…

  • Should lecture capture be used to relieve classroom over crowding?

    This is my newest column for the October-November issue of Streaming Media Magazine: At the beginning of this school year, Echo360 Inc. CEO Fred Singer wrote an editorial for The Huffington Post extolling the virtues of lecture capture. He observed that the lean economy “won’t allow institutions to simply erect new buildings and hire qualified…

  • trashcanland – screen caps from your 80s childhood

    Those of who enjoy the retro video curation of Network Awesome or the VHS mining of Everything Is Terrible, but don’t want to commit whole minutes to watching whole clips might like a tumblr I just stumbed on to, trashcanland, which strips minds the impacted VHS landscape to unearth the best 1/30 of the second.…

  • Behind Network Awesome – An interview with Jason Forrest

    As I mentioned the other day, Network Awesome creator Jason Forrest dropped me a nice “thank you” email after I wrote about finding and enjoying his video curation site and channel. I asked him for an interview to learn more about NA, and much to my luck, he agreed. So here is our email exchange…