Author: Paul

  • Streaming Media West: Mobile Media

    This morning sessions were focused on mobile content, podcasting and video blogging. There weren’t any revelations to be had, though it’s interesting to know what the “industry” guys are thinking. Here’s my impressions about the first session: Mobile Media, Portable Media & Personal Broadcasting Refreshingly, none of the panelists fed a lot of hype, and…

  • Live At Streaming Media West

    I don’t talk too much about my day job here, but some of you may have gleaned that I work in media production at the University of Illinois. I’d say my specialty is digital production and streaming. I’m lucky enough to have my bosses send me to the Streaming Media West conference in San Jose,…

  • Hear the rest of my interview with FMU’s Ken Freeman

    As a new experiment, I decided to post the rest of the interview with Ken Freeman of WFMU that aired on today’s radioshow. We get into radio geeky stuff like programming philosophy which I think is pretty interesting, but there wasn’t really time for in the regular program. Check it out at the radioshow page.

  • Welcome to the new mediageek

    I’ve taken the big plunge and moved from Moveable Type to WordPress. I did so on the advice of other bloggers I respect (and who are more software savvy than I), and because WordPress is a free open source project. Moveable Type was unfortunately also getting a little creaky for me in terms of problems…

  • Ay, One More Piece of Pirate News

    According to this post at the Free Radio Network, while 106.9 FM is closing down, Free Radio San Diego is coming back on the air in a “limited capacity.” The station was shut down by an FCC raid back in July.

  • Arrrgh, Pirate Radio News Pieces

    Here’s a little round-up of pirate news from around the US and UK: John at discovered that the FCC has delivered a notice of unlicensed operation to Zach De La Rocha, former singer for Rage Against the Machine. Zach has been an outspoken proponent of pirate radio in the past, making a tribute in…

  • The One Noncommercial Station That Gets the Web, and Thrives

    Not only is New Jersey’s WFMU the best freeform radio station in the country, the station also has a great blog with posts on strange arcane music, culture and radio industry dirt, all from a smart, cynical, independent perspective. FMU’s The Professor has posted an interesting analysis of Air America radio, focused on the apparent…

  • FCC Dems Get a Few Concessions in Verizon-MCI/SBC-AT&T ClusterMerger

    As I reported in this week’s radioshow, the FCC’s Democrats have had the opportunity to flex a little muscle in favor of the public interest. Mostly, it’s caused Chairman Martin to delay some issues–like media ownership rules–until the Bush Administration can get around to appointing a fifth commissioner and third Republican. But Martin couldn’t significantly…

  • How To File Comments on Low-Power AM

    The FCC is taking public comments on whether or not it should formally explore creating a low-power AM radio service. Don Schellhardt is one of the persons submitting the petition for rulemaking to the FCC, and I spoke to him on this week’s edition of the radioshow. He told me more about the proposal and…

  • News Headlines from the Oct. 28 Edition of the Radioshow: FCC Chair Wants to “Expedite” Teleco Video Franchises;

    These are the media news headlines as read on the Oct. 28 edition of the mediageek radioshow: FCC Chair Wants to “Expedite” Teleco Video Franchises; FCC Democrats Try To Protect Public Interest in Big Telecom Mergers; House Commerce Committee Passes DTV bill.