Author: Paul

  • Shot Across the Bow Against Payola in NY

    Payola–so-called “pay for play”–still exists in radio. While it was straigtforward in rock’s early days in the 50s, now it’s sheathed in the guise of “independent consultants” who get songs “placed” on major (and minor) radio stations using moneys given to stations for “promotional expenses.” Those “independent consultants” are then paid by the major labels,…

  • P2P TV

    infoAnarchy–which has been pretty slow to post new material as of late–features a short article on opern-source peer-to-peer based video broadcasting platforms. I haven’t tried any of them, but could be worth a shot. Video is bandwidth intensive and hosting anything that gets a lot of hits can get expensive fast.

  • V-Man Interviews FRSD’s Bob Ugly on FCC Raid

    V-Man from Free Radio Santa Cruz interviewed Free Radio San Diego founder Bob Ugly today. There aren’t too many other details about the raid, since nobody was at the station. But it’s interesting to hear Bob’s reaction — he says they were pretty much expecting the raid, though we don’t know if there was any…

  • Free Radio San Diego Raided by FCC

    And so another high-profile pirate meets the FCC, along with federal marshals. According to Free Radio San Diego’s website and a post to SD-IMC, the station was raided this morning. Details are few at the moment, but nobody was at the station at the time, and apparently the feds “broke the locks on their doors,…

  • Frontiers in Indy TV

    Rabble considers the future of pan-national television, by way of noting that a new Central and South American-based television network, TeleSur, is about to go live on July 24. Rabble’s big question is: how “to bridge these more high budget TV networks with real bottom up technology to restructure how we think of and view…

  • Fight Obsolescence with Pirate TV

    Over at the excellent Stay Free! Daily blog, Jason Torchinsky asks what to do with the millions of analog TV sets when digital TV finally becomes the standard and analog signals go dark in 2009. His suggestion is: [something like] local, indepedent TV stations. Stations with a broadcast range of just, say, Brooklyn or Silverlake…

  • Media Reform Bill Introduced

    According to Radio Currents Online, Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) has introduced the Media Ownership Reform Act of 2005 (MORA). According to Hinchey’s press release the bill, “seeks to undo the massive consolidation of the media that has been ongoing for nearly 20 years.” So, it hits most major media reform points: reinstate a national cap…

  • Indy Publishing Weekend in Philly

    Aj at Papercuts gives the rundown of a bunch of independent publishing events coincidentally all going down this weekend, including the Philadelphia Zine Fest and a reading with Al Burian, of the zine Burn Collector and many other projects. Al read at a zine reading here in Urbana a couple of years ago and I…

  • Odeo Open to the Public, Listen to last Friday’s Radioshow There or Here

    Odeo, the web-based popcasting app, portal and site, now has its beta open to the public to help you create, download and listen to podcasts. Last Friday’s radioshow is already on-line and available on the radioshow page, or at Odeo which allows you to listen on-line in addition to downloading it. It was a fun…

  • On Friday’s Radioshow: What’s Up in Micropower Radio & the South Florida Scene

    My pal John from DIYmedia will be my guest to talk about recent activity in unlicensed micropower radio, including the shutdowns of radio free brattleboro and Berkeley Liberation Radio. We’ll also hear a phone interview I did last night from a former microbroadcaster in South Florida who fills us in on the unique situation of…