Author: Paul

  • That’s It, In a Nutshell

    Per Slate’s In Other Magazines, Reason’s Matt Welch writes that the big media companies are jumping on the blogwagon because they’re “history’s cheapest publishing system in the world’s cheapest distribution system.” Not magic, just cheap and simple. That’s what I was trying to say several years ago when I more actively took up the “what’s…

  • News Headlines from June 10 Radioshow: House Republicans Mounting Assaults on Public Broadcasting and Municipal Broadband; State Dept. Hack In Line for CPB CEO

    These are the news headlines as read on the June 10, 2005 edition of the mediageek radioshow: House Republicans Mounting Assaults on Public Broadcasting and Municipal Broadband; State Dept. Hack In Line for CPB CEO.

  • Gearing Up for AMC

    Allied Media Conference is this weekend, and in usual mediageek style, I’m rushing to get zine #3 into print right now. Someday, I may release more than one zine per year… someday. My pal John at is doing a session on microradio and I’m doing a session on blogging. My focus is not on…

  • Supremes Decline Review of Media Ownership Rules

    This morning the Supreme Court decided not to hear the media conglomerates’ challenge to the Third Circuit Court’s decision to strike down the FCC’s loosened media ownership rules. The Court ruled without comment, but I can’t help think the fact that the FCC and Justice Dept. decided not to pursue the challenge was a contributing…

  • Broadcast Flag Nearly Dead in the Water

    The EFF quotes a story from the (for-pay-only) Communications Daily, reporting that the MPAA is backing away from asking the House Commerce Committee from including a broadcast flag provision in a digital TV bill, because Committee Chair Joe Barton is against it. That doesn’t mean the MPAA is giving up, but it does mean that…

  • Hacker e-zine nears final issue

    Phrack, “a Hacker magazine by the community, for the community,” has been published via textfile since 1985, and is calling it quits four months shy of its 20th birthday. I’ve read Phrack periodically since I don’t even remember when. I don’t think I ever read it during my BBS days, which ran about 1985-1988, though…

  • Zapatista’s Radio Insurgente on radioActive San Diego

    Although my Spanish is pretty rusty I’ll be very interested to listen to the Zapatista’s Radio Insurgente on radioActive San Diego. I hope they can archive the program for those who miss it live, or might want to air it on other stations. Update: lotu5 from radioActive informs me that the program is already archived…

  • News Headlines from 5-27-05 mediageek radio show

    These are the news headlines as read on the 5-27-05 edition of the radioshow: DTV Deadline to Fund Deficit; DO IT Act to Fund Education and Public TV; Clear Channel Co-Opts Pirate Rhetoric

  • BBS Documentary Now Shipping

    I know I’m a few days late on this, but I want to send congratulations to guy Jason Scott because his enormous BBS Documentary DVD project has just started shipping. I haven’t yet seen it (guess I’d better get my order in), but I can only guess that this is an important historical documentation…

  • Welcome New Radioshow Affiliate: Flirt FM, Galway, Ireland

    I’m glad to announce that the mediageek radioshow has now gone global, with Flirt FM 105.6 in Galway, Ireland picking up the show to air during its Kaleidoscope slot on Wednesdays from 12:30 – 13:00. My friend and fellow ICR student Andrew O’Baoill is a founder and alumnus of the station, and it appears that…