Author: Paul

  • Prometheus and Friends Petition FCC to Freeze Edgewater/RAM Translator Apps

    John and DIYmedia tipped me off to the petition, filed this past Wednesday, March 9, asking the FCC to freeze the processing of applications for new translators stations, based upon allegations of trafficking, as covered here at mediageek and at DIYmedia. The coalition behind the petition includes the Prometheus Radio Project, REC Networks (which did…

  • Mediageek Radioshow Headlines for 3-4-05

    These are the news headlines as read on the March 4, 2005 edition of the mediageek radioshow: Sen. Ted Stevens, Broadcasters Want Indecency Enforced for Cable & Satellite; Illinois Anti-Muni Wireless Bill Dead for Now; Sinclair Asks Supremes to Review Ownership Reg. Click MORE to read ’em.

  • Friday’s Radioshow On-line: Christian Broadcasters Trafficking in Low-Power Translator Stations

    My pal John Anderson was our guest on the show this past Friday again, since he’s been doing a lot of the digging into Calvary Chapel, Edgewater Broadcasting, their various associates/aliases and the exchange of FM translator station licenses. The program is now posted for download, streaming and podcasting. On the program, I neglected to…

  • Fort Lauderdale’s Calvary Chapel’s Plan to Coat Florida

    As John mentioned on today’s mediageek, here’s a link to a map of the Calvary Chapel of Ft. Lauderdale’s coverage map for their 100,000 watt blowtorch station and its translator repeaters.

  • Calvary Chapel / CSN Squeezing Out Boston College Stations

    The Boston Phoenix reports on CSN’s plan to erect a 20,000 watt completely unmanned satellite-driven station on the fringes of several college station’s signal: If the syndicate is allowed to transmit its satellite feed, 20,000 watts strong, from a tower in Plymouth, it could muddle the signal of many lower-power stations — including Boston CollegeÂ’s…

  • Illinois’ Anti-Municipal Broadband Bill Killed For Now

    Mitchell Szczepanczyk at Chicago IMC reports that the sponsor of an anti-municipal broadband bill in the Illinois legislature failed to enter it, likely due to lots of negative attention. However, the war is not over yet: Nevertheless, [there are] fears that the bill could still be in play in a “poison pill” maneuver, which would…

  • Minidisc News: Sony Adds Native MP3 and Photo Capabilities to Hi-MD

    Looks like Sony’s trying to keep it’s loyal minidisc users from jumping over to iPod land. Yesterday Sony announced some new MD units, including the Hi-MD Photo, which seems pretty much like the MD equivalent of the iPod Photo, except that it includes a 1.3 megapixel camera. However, I think 1.3 MP is pretty meager…

  • Calvary Chapel: The Decentralized Christian Clear Channel

    John does some more digging into the various Calvary Chapels that are putting together what look like turn-key radio networks, partially built from translators purchased from Edgewater/Radio Assist Ministry: Unlike the Calvary Chapels of Twin Falls and Costa Mesa, which had to grow their networks over time by applying for more and more FM stations…

  • Media News Headlines from the 2-18-05 Edition of the Radioshow

    A week and a half old, but still quite relevant, these are the news headlines as read on the Feb. 18 edition of the mediageek radioshow: Indy Kills the Community Network Eating Snake; Anti-Community Network Bill Introduced in Illinois; Sinclair Striking Distro Deal with Comcast. Click MORE to read ’em.

  • Give Thanks to the Archivists

    Jason Scott, of fame, has announced that he is currently archiving all of the podcasts that he can find, currently storing them in 75 GB of hard drive space. He figures hard drive space is cheap enough to make the prospect of continuing the project tenable. I have no doubt that this project is…