Author: Paul

  • DC Pirate Visited by FBI?

    According to a post on DC Indymedia, pirate station WSQT was visited by persons identifying themselves as agents of the “Bureau,” leading station operators to believe they were with the FBI.

  • FCC Media Bureau Chief Following Powell Out the Door

    Radio and Records reports that Ken Ferree, the head of the FCC’s Media Bureau, which oversees all television and radio, is stepping down, coincident with Chairman Powell’s departure. A new head to this bureau won’t be appointed until there’s a new FCC chair. Ferree has been a very loyal lieutenant to Powell, especially on media…

  • DJ Johnny Silver Answers

    I’ve posted twice about DJ Johnny Silver, who is operating unlicensed Iron Action Radio in Nyack, NY, and recently received some publicity in his local newspaper. In my posts I expressed concern about unlicensed operators pursuing widepublicity, given that it increases the risk of a bust. Silver read my posts and sent me a thoughtful…

  • Good Bye Mikey, and Don’t Let the Door Hit You in the Ass on the Way Out

    The departure of Mikey Powell from the FCC is being largely celebrated by media reform groups. Free Press has a statement from Bob McChesney, who does not mince words in evaluating the Powell Jr’s legacy: “His tenure was marked by some of the lowest moments in the history of the FCC…” Yesterday I raised the…

  • Mikey Powell Leaving FCC

    Looks like good ol’ Mikey Powell is officially leaving his post as FCC Chair, after quite a bit of speculation over the last year. The question, of course, is why?, since the announcement’s too late to be a second term transition. It makes me wonder if some pressure wasn’t put on Powell to step down,…

  • Tuning in to Anti-Inaugural Events

    Courtesy of Amoshaun from the IMC-Audio collective, here’s a list of known live streams of news and information coming out of anti-inaugural activities in DC: Live DC Radio Coop Site: Stream: Call-in Number: 202-332-4481 Enemy Combatant Radio is Broadcasting 20th-22nd Site: Stream: Call-in Number: (415) 864-1006 Portland IMC Web Radio Site:…

  • Prometheus to Celebrate 5th Anniversary of LPFM at the FCC

    From a Prometheus e-mail: On the morning of Tuesday, February 8th, 2005, the Federal Communications Commission is inviting Low Power FM radio broadcasters and their allies to attend an important meeting in Washington, DC. We worked hard to establish the service in 2000, and five years later, the FCC wants to see how well these…

  • Boulder Free Radio Gone for Good

    John reports that KBFR’s Monk confirms that the station–busted last week by the FCC–is off the air for the good, and may be mounting a defense in court.

  • Apple = Lomo

    Lomo says: “Don’t think, just shoot.” Apple says: “Random is the New Order.” With the Lomo camera you get: Soviet-era camera with iffy quality control that takes often-blurry pictures with oversaturated color and inaccurate exposure. Lomo calls it: Lomography With the iPod Shuffle you get: a display-less mp3 player that emphasizes playing things at random…

  • MDCasting: Minidisc for Creating AND Playback

    Gerd Stodiek posts a how-to on minidiscasting which focuses on using a Hi-MD recorder for production, rather than simply a device for downloading and listening to ‘casts. He makes a suggestion to use Hi-MD on a podcasting thread at Cyberjournalist, too. Minidisc recorders in general, and Hi-MD recorders in particular, have an advantage for creating…