Author: Paul

  • Anti-Inauguration Pirate Broadcasting on AM in DC Gets Dimed by CNN, Moves to FM

    Last week ran an article on pirate station WSQT broadcasting at 1680 AM in Washington DC and making calls for massive protests against the Bush inauguration in January. The station was apparently discovered by a CNN reporter, who called the FCC for a response to the station. This tipped off the FCC, which didn’t…

  • Sorry for Mediageek Outage

    Some of you may have noticed that mediageek was out Thursday through Monday. This was the result of the commercial DSL line that feeds the mediageek server being cut abruptly. Mediageek is hosted on a community server that got DSL from a local ISP, which is basically a reseller of SBC DSL. The local ISP…

  • On Friday’s Radioshow: The Yes Men

    On this Friday’s radioshow–airing at 5:30 PM on WEFT 90.1 FM in Champaign IL, and archived here by Monday night–we’ll listen to an interview Drew did with Mike Bonnano of the Yes Men last week. Drew and Mike talk about the recent Dow Chemical hoax as well as the history and philosophy of the Yes…

  • The Price of Marketing

    I haven’t written much of my little cheap camera “hobby” here on the ‘geek, though I made a little mention of it on the now-abandoned mediageeeklife blog, and wrote about it in mediageeek zine #2. I’ve amassed a nice little pile of cheap “vintage” cameras that I enjoy taking weird pics with. One of them…

  • Pirate TV: from Italy and Argentina to the US?

    Free Radio Berkeley just announced their 2005 workshop schedule, which includes their low-power television session. While this may be the start of a new pirate TV movement in the US, pirate TV has been alive in Italy for several years and was used in Eastern Europe during Soviet times. Demand Media directed me to a…

  • NYC IMC Subpoenaed Again

    Being the target of city government harassment is a sign that NYC IMC is having an effect, but getting subpoenaed still sucks. According to a NYC IMC feature posted today, they received a subpoena for information they might have regarding the World Economic Forum. The IMC’s sensible response to the City’s harassing demands: “Why doesn’t…

  • Radioshow Headlines for 12-17-04

    These are the news headlines as read on the Dec. 17, 2004 edition of the mediageek radioshow: Media Groups Challenging Sinclair; FCC Says Satellite Radio Can’t Be Indecent; Limbaugh Pursued over “Dick”.

  • First Radioshow Upload with Hi-MD

    Driven by necessity, this week was the first time I brought my Hi-MD recorder to the radio station to record the radioshow and it worked out pretty well, as I’ll detail in a moment. Typically I just record the show with the aircheck MD deck that’s in the studio, but the input to that deck…

  • 3-chip Camcorders Getting Cheaper

    According to an article in the NY Times Circuits, 3-chip DV camcorders are dropping in price. Most inexpensive camcorders have a single pick-up chip for recording images. While efficient, a single chip is more prone to noise and color aberrations. A 3-chip camcorder dedicates one pickup chip for each of the primary colors in video:…

  • Interviewing Yes Men for Dec. 24 RadioShow

    In about half an hour Drew and I will be calling over to England to interview Mike Bonanno of the Yes Men, who recently pulled off a brilliant prank wherein they impersonated Dow Chemical representatives to the BBC, telling the network that Dow would be taking responsibility for the Bhopal chemical disaster 20 years ago.…