Category: media ownership & consolidation

  • Fort Lauderdale’s Calvary Chapel’s Plan to Coat Florida

    As John mentioned on today’s mediageek, here’s a link to a map of the Calvary Chapel of Ft. Lauderdale’s coverage map for their 100,000 watt blowtorch station and its translator repeaters.

  • Calvary Chapel / CSN Squeezing Out Boston College Stations

    The Boston Phoenix reports on CSN’s plan to erect a 20,000 watt completely unmanned satellite-driven station on the fringes of several college station’s signal: If the syndicate is allowed to transmit its satellite feed, 20,000 watts strong, from a tower in Plymouth, it could muddle the signal of many lower-power stations — including Boston CollegeÂ’s…

  • Calvary Chapel: The Decentralized Christian Clear Channel

    John does some more digging into the various Calvary Chapels that are putting together what look like turn-key radio networks, partially built from translators purchased from Edgewater/Radio Assist Ministry: Unlike the Calvary Chapels of Twin Falls and Costa Mesa, which had to grow their networks over time by applying for more and more FM stations…

  • Calvary Chapel, LPFM and Plausible Deniability

    Today’s San Francisco Chronicle has an article on the Church incursion into low-power FM, making up half the applications currently approved by the FCC for new stations. And what organization should turn up as a leading force in this movement? Why, none other than our pals at Calvary Chapel: This month, the Calvary Chapel Radio…

  • Media Minutes On Translator-Gate

    OK, this is the first and last time I’ll call the Calvary Chapel/Edgewater/Radio Assist Ministries translator-brokering scandal a “gate.” That’s too much of a right-wing blogger tactic (never mind that Watergate was itself a right-wing crime scandal). John produced a nice summary story of the scandal for this week’s edition of Media Minutes, which is…

  • The Sinclair Angle — If It Bleeds (Our Pocketbooks) It Leads

    Alternet is running a story that further documents the crookedness of Sinclair Broadcast Group, charging that the company doesn’t merely slant hard-right, but that management is mostly only interested in covering “news” that directly affects the top dogs’ pocketbooks: One such staffer says that Sinclair Vice President J. Duncan Smith asked Craig Demchak to take…

  • Knee Deep in Sinclair Dirt

    Rolling Stone has an excellently comprehensive article on everyone’s favorite TV station owner, Sinclair. There are so many choice quotes and tidbits in here that I can’t quote them all, but here’s one revealing bite that shows Sinclair’s utter disdain for the rules: [Sinclair CEO] Smith was equally creative when it came to skirting federal…

  • Sinclair Smackdown

    According to Broadcasting and Cable, the FCC is expected to reject a request by Sinclair Broadcast Group — the Clear Channel of TV — to purchase five stations in markets where the company already operates a TV station. Sinclair is seeking an exception to the duopoly rule that disallows owning more than one TV station…

  • On Today’s Mediageek Radioshow: Former FOX TV Reporters Challenge KTVT’s License

    On today’s mediageek radioshow I talk to investigative reporters Jane Akre and Steve Wilson. They were fired from FOX TV 13 in Tampa, FL for blowing the whistle on the station, which tried to bury and change facts on a story on bovine growth hormone (BGH) after being contacted by Monsanto. Akre and Wilson are…

  • Powell’s Legacy Already Fading: Justice Dept. Will Not Pursue Relaxed Ownership Rules

    The Justice Dept. has decided not to pursue an appeal to the Third Circuit Court decision that put a stop to the FCC’s relaxed media ownerhip rules and ordered the Commission to reconsider them. The relaxing of ownership rules is considered to be one of Mikey Powell’s biggest failures, costing him a significant amount of…