Category: mediageek status

  • Cast off

    Ok, I have to be honest. The cast didn’t just come off, it’s been almost two weeks. But I’m just getting back up to speed and limbering my wrist back up so that I can get back into the blogging swing. I don’t remember it taking so long for my wrist to get back to…

  • Broken Wrist Blogging Blues

    It’s the perennial blogger apology and excuse: why I haven’t been blogging recently. Well, here’s mine: I broke my right wrist. Unfortunately, I’m also right handed. So my overall functionality as a cog in the machine has been compromise, as has my usage of the internets. I’ve got a cast on now, which makes things…

  • Radioshow Experiment a Partial Success

    Last night I attempted to broadcast the radioshow live from Memphis using Skype to connect us with the WEFT studio. Here in Memphis at the Cook Convention Center we got a wired (rather than wireless) connection to the internet, which I understood was shared by very few people. I don’t know how many people were…

  • Live at the National Conference for Media Reform

    Although I gave no warning on the blog (I did mention it on the last two radioshows), I am here in rainy, but warm, Memphis, TN, for the 3rd National Conference for Media Reform. I got in last night and attended the Save the Internet coalition Party for the Future at the Gibson Guitar Factory.…

  • Not dead, maybe sleeping

    Has nearly a month gone by since my last post? Wow. I guess it’s time for the customary tardy blogger’s excuse/apology. For me it was the Thanksgiving holiday combined with having a cough (probably whooping) and cold that lasted about 6 weeks. Not a great excuse, I know. But, hey, at least the radioshow didn’t…

  • Vacation Hiatus

    Yes, things have been a little quiet at mediageek lately, and they’re going to be quieter for a couple of weeks. First, I’m going on vacation to Spain and Italy, and then I’m going to come back and work my ass off for another week. So, there will be no posting activity from now until…

  • Self-Aggrandizement and the Axis of Justice

    I will indulge, momentarily: Jake Sexton is the webmaster for Axis of Justice, the social justice organization formed by Tom Morello of Audioslave and Serj Tankian of System of a Down. Jake did an interview with me on net neutrality which is now featured at the AoJ site. Jake also is the sole proprietor of…

  • Catching Up with the Radioshow: The Yes Men Spoof Halliburton, Bringing Transmitters to Central America, Musicians Support Internet Freedom

    If you don’t normally listen to the mediageek radioshow, you should consider checking out the last two programs. Yesterday my guests were Bill Taylor and Adrienne Bauer from the Primary Communications Project, talking about their plans to bring a 1 kilowatt AM radio transmitter to the Lenca people of Honduras. I also played part of…

  • The SurvivaBall Solution for Global Warming, on Today’s Mediageek Radioshow

    On Tuesday a forward-thinking engineer from Halliburton presented the company’s newest invention to help solve the problems associated with global warming, the SurvivaBall: “The SurvivaBall is designed to protect the corporate manager no matter what Mother Nature throws his or her way,” said Fred Wolf, a Halliburton representative who spoke today at the Catastrophic Loss…

  • mediageek video blog #1: a minor pledge drive adventure

    WEFT‘s spring pledge drive started more than 10 days ago, but April 7 was the first pledge drive show for mediageek. I went early to help with hosting the Courier, which starts at 4 PM (mediageek goes on at 5:30), and decided I might drag along a camcorder to document a little of what goes…