Category: mediageek status

  • Hey, where’d everybody go?

    It’s obligatory for a blogger to occasionally have to apologize for a somewhat unscheduled absence. Here’s mine. I got married a little more than a week ago, and the commensurate hubub and family entertaining that happened wiped me out, and has meant that I’ve neglected the blog until the front page was blank (note to…

  • Thank You, Odeo

    The nice folks at Odeo have chosen the mediageek radioshow as a featured podcast this week. I am grateful, and as this brings in more subscribers to the feed, I hope all the new listeners enjoy the program. As always, if you have any suggestions for things to cover or do a piece on the…

  • Odeo Open to the Public, Listen to last Friday’s Radioshow There or Here

    Odeo, the web-based popcasting app, portal and site, now has its beta open to the public to help you create, download and listen to podcasts. Last Friday’s radioshow is already on-line and available on the radioshow page, or at Odeo which allows you to listen on-line in addition to downloading it. It was a fun…

  • On Friday’s Radioshow: What’s Up in Micropower Radio & the South Florida Scene

    My pal John from DIYmedia will be my guest to talk about recent activity in unlicensed micropower radio, including the shutdowns of radio free brattleboro and Berkeley Liberation Radio. We’ll also hear a phone interview I did last night from a former microbroadcaster in South Florida who fills us in on the unique situation of…

  • Mediageek Radioshow Podcast Available Through iTunes 4.9

    I’ve dutifully upgraded by copy of iTunes to 4.9 and was happy to find that the mediageek radioshow podcast is available for free subscription through the iTunes Music Store. Click this link to get it. I don’t have an iPod and during this time of year I don’t walk around with a walkman much, since…

  • mediageek on Odeo

    Odeo is a new podcasting web app that provides tools for producing, distributing and downloading podcast audio. Rabble from anarchogeek is one of the developers and he added the mediageek radioshow podcast to Odeo’s catalog. Invites to the beta of Odeo have been sent out to 12,700 people. Rabble sent me one a number of…

  • zine #3 is ready to go

    Last night I assembled and stapled mediageek zine #3, just in time to haul it out to the AMC today. I’m pretty happy with it, and it features the new mediageek logo, that you can see up on top of the homepage. Articles include an analysis of the Christian translator scandal by John Anderson, a…

  • On Fridays Radioshow: Jason Scott Is Now Shipping His BBS Documentary

    On this Friday’s mediageek radioshow, I’ll be talking to Jason Scott of, whose recently completed BBS Documentary is now shipping. We’ll talk about how he put this 3-DVD project together, and why he chose to release the DVDs without copy protection and under a Creative Commons share-alike license. The radioshow airs Fridays at 5:30…

  • Welcome New Radioshow Affiliate: Flirt FM, Galway, Ireland

    I’m glad to announce that the mediageek radioshow has now gone global, with Flirt FM 105.6 in Galway, Ireland picking up the show to air during its Kaleidoscope slot on Wednesdays from 12:30 – 13:00. My friend and fellow ICR student Andrew O’Baoill is a founder and alumnus of the station, and it appears that…

  • Last Friday’s Radioshow Live from NCMR in St. Louis

    As you may know, this past weekend I was in St. Louis at the 2nd National Conference on Media Reform. I’ve got a lot of audio and thoughts, and will post much of it here in the coming days (and at the BeTheMediaBlog, which has lots of other people’s thoughts, too). Drew and I called…