Category: networks
Progressives’ Paradox — Senate Commerce Committee Votes Up on LPFM, Down on Net Neutrality
Oh, those party lines. Senate Commerce Committee Republicans showed themselves to be 92% against ensuring internet freedom, with 11 out of 12 voting against a net neutrality amendment to the big telecom bill (S.2686) today. That was a much narrower loss than a similar amendment suffered in the House, due to the fact that all…
Self-Aggrandizement and the Axis of Justice
I will indulge, momentarily: Jake Sexton is the webmaster for Axis of Justice, the social justice organization formed by Tom Morello of Audioslave and Serj Tankian of System of a Down. Jake did an interview with me on net neutrality which is now featured at the AoJ site. Jake also is the sole proprietor of…
Did Your Rep Sell Out the Internet?
You might be surprised, though it might not be pleasant. My own Congressional Rep, Tim Johnson voted in favor of the COPE Act (even just hours after having skin cancer surgery). His vote isn’t a surprise, he’s a real milquetoast Republican that tends to sway with the party most of the time. But some Chicagoans…
House Sells Out the Internet
I’ll have my own comments later (have to go back and watch the PVRed proceedings from CSPAN to pick choicer comments for the radioshow), so I leave it to Free Press to tell the story: June 8, 2006 Contact: Jeannine Kenney (202) 238-9249 Ben Scott (202) 265-1490 House Ignores Public, Sells Out the Internet through…
Reports and Views on Net Neutrality as the House Debates
As I write this the House is debating the Markey amendment to add network neutrality protections to the COPE Act. I will bring some clips from this to tomorrow’s radioshow. Today the Washington Post published an Op-Ed from Robert McChesney and Larry Lessig, which breaks down why we need net neutrality in law very simply:…
COPE Act on the House Floor Tomorrow — Call Your Rep To Oppose It
I just got off the phone with the office of Rep. Tim Johnson, my congressperson in the House, asking him to oppose the COPE Act, which goes to the House floor for a vote tomorrow. The COPE act stinks in a variety of ways. First, it would create a national franchise depriving local communities of…
Telcos Exploiting Their Bully Pulpit
Just read an interesting anecdote reblogged at SaveTheInternet. Apparently, AT&T’s astroturf group TV 4US is now telemarketing to ask people: “The internet is going to be more expensive, because big companies like Microsoft and Google are wasting all our bandwidth. Do you think consumers should pay for that? Or should the big companies that are…
Moby and Rep. Ed Markey’s Press Conference to Save the Internet is hosting a video from Thursday’s SaveTheInternet press conference featuring Moby and Rep. Ed Markey.
Growing the Movement To Save the Internet with Moby, REM and Others
An unsuprising coalition of musicians has come together under the banner of Artists and Musicians for Internet Freedom to support network neutrality legislation. Strangely, the group doesn’t have a website yet, though REM’s website has an announcement about it, and explains the issue rather succinctly: Net Neutrality is the long-held principle that all online speech…
Chicago Protest Against AT&T’s Anti-Net-Neutrality Campaign, May 24
Just received word from Mitchell at Chicago Media Action that they’re planning a protest against AT&T as part of a national Day of Media Outrage: In response to dreadful proposed media-related legislation now working its way through Congress, Chicago Media Action, along with organizers in Boston and New York City (and a number of other…