Category: streaming media

  • Should lecture capture be used to relieve classroom over crowding?

    This is my newest column for the October-November issue of Streaming Media Magazine: At the beginning of this school year, Echo360 Inc. CEO Fred Singer wrote an editorial for The Huffington Post extolling the virtues of lecture capture. He observed that the lean economy “won’t allow institutions to simply erect new buildings and hire qualified…

  • Video and the power of connection

    This is my latest column for Streaming Media Magazine: These days we all do it. We meet someone new in person or online and then we do a search of his or her name on Google, Facebook, or LinkedIn. Perhaps we want to stay in touch, or maybe we’re interested in learning more about what…

  • Inauguration Shows that the Internet Still Isn’t Broadcast

    Last Tuesday’s presidential inauguration was one of those moments where I think all business except for vital functions like transit and public safety stopped all over the country as people tuned in to watch Obama’s swearing in. Another thing that stopped for a lot of people was the internet. Arguably this was one of the…

  • yes! Magazine and the SF Chronicle on Micropower Radio

    Why is it all of a sudden micropower radio articles are cropping up in both the mainstream and alternative press? Is it just a slow news time at the end of the year outside of the assassination of Benazir Bhutto and the Iowa Caucuses? At least the last two I’ve seen have been far more…

  • Conference Video: Making Effective Online Video for Education

    I moderated a panel on educational video at the Streaming Media West conference this past November, and video of that session is now up for viewing online at I was very impressed by the panelists, each of them bringing a unique perspective on the question of what makes effective online video for education. I…

  • The Future of Educational Video? or The Blair Witch Podcast

    My latest education column for Streaming Media Magazine is now online: You’re watching an online video. The scene is dimly lit. There’s just a single harsh light on our subject’s face in extreme close-up. The sound, while understandable, is full of popped Ps and distorted peaks. Is this a sequel to the Blair Witch Project,…

  • Listen to mediageek radioshow live

    Mediageek’s home station WEFT in Champaign, IL, is now streaming live on the internet. So you can listen to the mediageek radioshow live Fridays at 5:30 PM Central Time no matter where you are.

  • Ripping Video Streams with Real Player 11 beta

    The beta of Real Player 11 came out the other day, for Windows only, and I have installed it and fooled around a bit. I do have to report that it does what it advertises: it very easily rips online video and saves it to your hard drive. From YouTube to streams coming off our…

  • Real’s New Survival Technique is Stream Ripping and Fair Use

    I have no idea how I missed the big announcement at the end of May that Real’s next media player will feature the ability to record media streams in a whole host of formats — most notably, YouTube’s Flash video content. (As a tangent, the way I found out is kind of interesting — it’s…