Category: telecomm

  • On Thursday’s Radioshow: Uncertain Futures – Tim Hwang Analyzes the New FCC

    “Uncertain Futures” is a new report that reviews the background of the new and returning FCC Commissioners, making educated guesses about what lies ahead for our communications environment. Co-author Tim Hwang will be on this week’s mediageek radioshow to discuss what’s in store for important issues like network neutrality and media consolidation. Hwang is a…

  • Wrap Up on Senate Net Neutrality Hearing

    The Benton Foundation has compiled an excellent wrap-up of testimony and press coverage of yesterday’s Senate Commerce Committee hearing on network neutrality.

  • Free Press Live Blogging from Stanford FCC Hearing

    Free Press is keeping a live blog of the FCC Hearing on Net Neutrality at Stanford University. Looks like at least 300 people have showed up to be in the audience so far. I got too hung up with work to tune in right at 2 PM and the FCC’s RealAudio feeds are all full…

  • Headlines from the Oct. 12 Radioshow

    These are the media news headlines as read on the Oct. 12 edition of the mediageek radioshow: Fake News Still Alive; FCC Relaxes Broadband Rules for AT&T; AT&T and Verizon Anti-Free-Speech; Wall Street Bullish on XM-Sirius Merger, NAB Asks FCC for More Time Fake News Still Alive Even though the FCC recently fined Comcast cable…

  • Headlines from the Feb. 2 radioshow: Journalists Beaten in Oaxaca, a Pro-Fair-Use Bill, The House’s Telecomm Agenda

    Community Radio Journalists Beaten in Oaxaca Two community radio journalists were beaten by state-supported militants in the Mexican state of Oaxaca on the night of January 24. One was arrested. According to a report from the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters, known as AMARC, the incident occurred during a confrontation between militants of the…

  • Back in the Saddle, Bill Moyers Rocks Net Neutrality

    My vacation was too hectic to be relaxing (although I didn’t mind being in Italy and Spain instead of Central Illinois), and I had to hit the ground running when I got back in town. But I’m starting to get my bearings again. I meant to blog in advance of Bill Moyers on America which…

  • Federal Consolidation Commissioner

    It isn’t enough to drag his feet on obligations to inform and engage the public on the media ownership proceeding. Now FCC Chair Kevin Martin is ready to sign off on the proposed AT&T – BellSouth merger without imposing a single condition. While he may have a bit more political savvy than his predecessor, Martin…

  • Hitting the Congresscritters at Home for Net Neutrality

    SavetheInternet details actions in 25 cities where folks hit up their Senators to urge support for network neutrality. Apparently there was success in New York, with Sen. Charles Schumer announcing support for net neutrality, and Iowa, where Sen. Tom Harkin did likewise. Now, both those guys are Democrats, which in the Senate, at least, have…

  • You Get What You Pay For

    Well, not necessarily YOU exactly, unless you happen to have donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to congresspeople this year. But if YOU are AT&T, then you’ve gotten a pretty good return on the $1.7 million you’ve donated to federal candidates this year. 67% of AT&T’s donations have gone to Republicans, and as a result…

  • Taking a Peek under the Astroturf

    Common Cause has been keeping tabs on the faux-grassroots Astroturf groups like Hands off the Internet and which have been lobbying on behalf of the big telcos with the smokescreen that there’s enormous public support for a national cable franchise and against network neutrality. Now Common Cause has released a new report compiling dossiers…