Category: The FCC

  • FCC Ready to Rumble on Tuesday

    The FCC’s having a big meeting this Tuesday, Dec. 18. The biggest item on the agenda is Chairman Martin’s attempt to rush through the near-total dissolution of the newspaper-TV cross-ownership ban. It’s a plan he only revealed to the public and his fellow commissioners last month. As a result the public interest community, many Congresscritters…

  • Last FCC Ownership Hearing in Seattle?

    Word on the street is that the FCC will be holding its last public hearing on media ownership in Seattle in November. That would be only about a month before Chairman Martin hopes to ram through a decision on the proceeding, likely in direct contradiction to public sentiment, which otherwise urges keeping ownership limits in…

  • Headlines from the Oct. 19 radioshow: FCC Fines Two Broadcasters for Armstrong Williams’ Fake News; Martin Pushing for Quick Wrap Up to Ownership Rules Review

    These are the news headlines as read on the Oct. 19, 2007 edition of the mediageek radioshow. FCC Fines Two Broadcasters for Armstrong Williams’ Fake News The battle against fake news took a new turn this week when the FCC levied $76,000 in fines against two broadcast companies because they failed to inform viewers that…

  • FCC Sets Sensible Non-Comm FM License Limit Against the Wishes of Godcasters

    The application filing window for new full-power non-commercial FM stations opened yesterday (and somehow I totally spaced on mentioning it on yesterdays radioshow). On Wednesday, just two days in advance, the FCC finally decided to set a limit on the total number of applications that will be accepted, limiting it to 10 from any one…

  • Headlines from the Oct. 12 Radioshow

    These are the media news headlines as read on the Oct. 12 edition of the mediageek radioshow: Fake News Still Alive; FCC Relaxes Broadband Rules for AT&T; AT&T and Verizon Anti-Free-Speech; Wall Street Bullish on XM-Sirius Merger, NAB Asks FCC for More Time Fake News Still Alive Even though the FCC recently fined Comcast cable…

  • AM Stations Already Squeezing onto the FM Dial?

    As I reported on the Aug. 17 radioshow, the FCC is considering a rulemaking that would allow AM radio stations to have translator stations on the FM dial. Translator stations, you might recall, are low-power FM stations intended only to rebroadcast the programming of a full-power station. The ironic thing about translator stations is that…

  • FCC Extends Comment Period on Media Ownership Studies

    Matthew Lasar notes that the FCC responded to media reform groups’ petition to extend the deadline for public comment on the ten ownership studies it released as part of the current review of media ownership rules. The Commission will use these studies to justify the changes it makes, so it is very important for members…

  • Media Ownership Workshops in Chicago

    Workshops on media ownership are being held in Chicago in anticipation of the FCC’s visit on Sept. 20 for hearing on the topic. Chicago has one of the lowest levels of minority media ownership amongst major markets, so the issue of diversity in ownership is a particular focus of these workshops sponsored by groups like…

  • Links from the Aug. 10 radioshow

    Listen to the show here. Non-commercial FM Radio license filing window: – Instructions on how to apply for a license, including a frequency finder. National Federation of Community Broadcasters Prometheus Radio Project’s Mapping Project – The LPFM advocacy organization has also done a lot of organizing for the full-power license window, creating maps showing…

  • Paste Discovers Pirate Radio

    Paste magazine profiles Pirate Cat Radio’s Monkey Man, writing as if writer John Clarke Jr. alone had rediscovered pirate radio after its supposed “Pump Up the Volume” heyday in the early 90s. The article has nothing new to offer, cribbing its FCC enforcement stats from DIYmedia’s Enforcement Action Database without giving a full citation or…