Search results for: “johnny silver”

  • DJ Johnny Silver Scheduled for Friday’s Radioshow

    After a few weeks of hard policy analysis on the radioshow, it’s time to get back to pirate radio. I’m scheduled tomorrow night to talk to DJ Johnny Silver from Nyack’s Iron Action Radio for broadcast on Friday. It looks like Johnny plans to broadcast the interview live on Iron Action, which also has a…

  • DJ Johnny Silver Is Back and Online

    Got an email today from Nyack NY’s own pirate DJ Johnny Silver. He says Iron Action Radio is back up for nightly broadcasts, beginning tonight both at 102.5 FM in Nyack and on-line at Shoutcast. Johnny says the broadcasts will start along the lines of 7 or 8 PM Eastern time. I can confirm that…

  • DJ Johnny Silver Answers

    I’ve posted twice about DJ Johnny Silver, who is operating unlicensed Iron Action Radio in Nyack, NY, and recently received some publicity in his local newspaper. In my posts I expressed concern about unlicensed operators pursuing widepublicity, given that it increases the risk of a bust. Silver read my posts and sent me a thoughtful…

  • More Publicity for Pirate DJ Johnny Silver

    Last week I posted about DJ Johnny Silver and his Iron Action Radio, about which two highly dramatized short films have been made and posted to the web. His public visibility in home town Nyack, NY has gone up a notch with a local newspaper profile of the man and his station. Frankly, it makes…

  • The Pirate on the Hudson Is Still Going

    I just got an email from DJ Johnny Silver of Iron Action Radio. You may recall that I first posted about Nyack NY’s radio pirate back in January, when he was publicizing two dramatized videos about himself and his station. He says he’s finishing up the “3rd part in the series of films based on…

  • Dramatizing and Publicizing Pirate Radio — Risky?

    I was reading the newsgroup when I came across a post from DJ Johnny Silver, who is aparently the man behind Iron Action Radio in Nyack, NY. The post is promoting the “second film about the Infamous DJ Johnny Silver,” which “is based on when the FCC came knocking at the door to shut…